The Countryside
In the last 3 weeks, I’ve been doing my PBL thingy in countryside, to be exact somewhere in Cianjur area, a place called Campaka ^_^ I must say I feel comfortable there. It’s in a mountain, so the wheather is quite nice (a.k.a cold) because I can’t stand hot wheather (Cianjur city is too hot for my taste). The place is also quiet (it’s a village anyway) with less people if you compare it with Bandung city. I work at the primary care there, with working area of 11 villages or around 190 km square with around 61.000 populations. Quite big isn’t it?? But of course I won’t have time to go around all places, so I think I’ll just roaming around in Sukajadi village, where the Primary care building is located.
Now this is the Primary care building:

The building is the one located behind the ‘pink-purple’ building. Quite small?? Well… yes, but it’s a nice little building, with so little patients. I guess it’s because the location isn’t in the centre of the area.
All this time, I stayed in one of the villagers’ house. It’s a very nice house with a very nice room. Here’s the pic of my room:

Quite messy, I know… but I don’t feel like to clean at that time XD The owner, Ibu Yuyun, is a very kind woman. She always serves me a lot of meals, even much more than what I usually have at home. So… there goes my ‘diet’ programe -_- Eventhough lots of my friends said that PBL is a way to loose weight, I guess I can’t loose weight -_-.
Ah, but don’t think that I stayed there always. Sometime (maybe once a week) I went to the city, aside to go to the church, I also will have somekind like tutorial somewhere near the city.
Overall… living in a village is not that bad. As I already said it, in fact, I quite enjoy it. Of couse there’s no mall or internet service, got some electricity problems, and I have to speak Sundanese most of the time (which I’m really bad at, in fact, my English is much better than my Sundanese -_-). But as an exchange, I have quiet place to read, cold wheater to sleep, and beautiful scenery to look ^_^ Guess I’m very lucky. But of course, as this is still a part of my study, those tasks are still anoying as ever… -_- Guess I can’t take a thing for granted, eh?? Ah, well… I haven’t had a chance to take a scenery pics, but I’m planning to do it. So just wait for it in another approximatelly 5 weeks ^_^
Now this is the Primary care building:

The building is the one located behind the ‘pink-purple’ building. Quite small?? Well… yes, but it’s a nice little building, with so little patients. I guess it’s because the location isn’t in the centre of the area.
All this time, I stayed in one of the villagers’ house. It’s a very nice house with a very nice room. Here’s the pic of my room:

Quite messy, I know… but I don’t feel like to clean at that time XD The owner, Ibu Yuyun, is a very kind woman. She always serves me a lot of meals, even much more than what I usually have at home. So… there goes my ‘diet’ programe -_- Eventhough lots of my friends said that PBL is a way to loose weight, I guess I can’t loose weight -_-.
Ah, but don’t think that I stayed there always. Sometime (maybe once a week) I went to the city, aside to go to the church, I also will have somekind like tutorial somewhere near the city.
Overall… living in a village is not that bad. As I already said it, in fact, I quite enjoy it. Of couse there’s no mall or internet service, got some electricity problems, and I have to speak Sundanese most of the time (which I’m really bad at, in fact, my English is much better than my Sundanese -_-). But as an exchange, I have quiet place to read, cold wheater to sleep, and beautiful scenery to look ^_^ Guess I’m very lucky. But of course, as this is still a part of my study, those tasks are still anoying as ever… -_- Guess I can’t take a thing for granted, eh?? Ah, well… I haven’t had a chance to take a scenery pics, but I’m planning to do it. So just wait for it in another approximatelly 5 weeks ^_^
Label: random thoughts