Oookay… how long has it been since my last entry?? XD Oh well… actually I’ve returned to Bandung since 25 November 2007, but I still have so many things to do, here and there, that I have no time to update my blog. Now, finally I have the time to do it.
Okay, continuing my story… So eversince my last entry, I stayed at Southern Cianjur. I forgot to write that Campaka is located around 30 km from Cianjur, approximatelly 1,5 hours riding in a public vehicle in a very very curly road. I mean, the road always turn left and right and left and right and goes on like that. Not to say that the road is very narrow, and there's valley or cliff in either left side or right side. But after several times going south and back to the city (once a week like I said in previous post)I finally get used to that type of road, and now… amazingly, I wont get car-sick so easily. XD
Now about the scenery there, because most people in Campaka, work as rice farmers you would see rice fields here and there… Campaka also a place for tea plantations. Here’s several pics of the village I’ve been:

That’s one of the rice fields you could find there.

This is a view from the front of the house I stayed, it’s raining at that time. The wheather is cool… I really love it. Did you see the fog there?? I don’t remember when was the last time I saw it in Bandung. If I remember correctly, I usually saw it during my way to elementary school… wow… around 15 years ago?? XD
and these is some pics of the tea plantation:

Now this is the road to most of the villages in Campaka:

Quite bumpy?? Of course, because aspalt is very expensive, so every tea plantation usually have this kind of road. I take the picture when I’m visitting one of the villages called Karyamukti.
On the way there, I also pass through…… Waterfall!!

Oh, isn’t it beautiful?? The water will go to the river bellow it:

I also passed tiny bit of forrest:

So, apparently there’s still some forest left here in Java island. Off topic: I really hope the conference in Bali about Global warming got some kind of effect to remake the forests in Indonesia. The decreasing number of forest here is very fast. -_-… Long time ago, Indonesia was famous as one of country with great forests, but now?? *sigh*
Back on topic. I was also asked to helped in a post giving somekind like treatment to elderly people (Posbindu) in Karyamukti, when there were held somekind like ‘penilaian’ (don’t know the english word):

Ah, btw, I managed to shook hand with the highest rank Government officer in Cianjur place (Bupati) *grins* such a rare chance XD

This is taken after that programe, we all got tired XD Btw, doctor in charge in the Primary care where I stayed is the woman second from left side, while the ‘chief’ is the man sit beside me.
Quite an exiting things isn’t it?? Other than that, I also made somekind like sharing a little bit of medical knowledge (penyuluhan) and doing my interview for my research in mosques and places to read Al’Quran (pengajian) here and there in my village. I must admit, I felt nervous, because as Catholic, I never enter any mosque before. So at first I was planning to sit in the back row or in corner or anywhere invisible (so I won’t disturbed them), and after they finished what they do, I could properly introduce myself and do what I have to do. But, when I showed my face there, those very kind elders, asked me to sit in front!! Not once, but everytime. OMG!! I was so nervous, I didn’t know what to do. Then… I just sat there, and started blabbering about my introdoction and my purpose. I was so astonished at their enthusiasm about their health condition. This made me think that Primary care must be more concern about those elderly’s healt. But unfortunatelly, their jobs are already too many.
On the last day, before I returned to Bandung, I have to present my research in front of my lecturers. This presentation was held in a hotel in Ciloto. It’s formal situation really made me nervous. I was choosen to be the 3rd people to present it. Thanks God I could do it well… and I was choosen to present it in front of Cianjur Health Departement officers in the following 4 days. Presenting in front of those officers was even more scary!! Thanks God they didn’t asked imposible-to-answer questions XD
This is the pics taken in the hotel:

a view scenery of the hotel. The hotel itself is a very nice place ^_^
well... that's a bit of my adventure.
Label: random thoughts