French cuisine in Ratatouille
Today I watched the cinema with my friends. I watched Ratatouille, an animation made by Pixar (with Walt Disney). My sister already watched the movie several days ago, and she recommended me to watch this, eventhough I’ll still go to watch this if she didn’t tell me.
The story is about a rat named Remy who has ‘sniffing’ talent. He could distinguish each ingridients used in a food, he doesn’t like to eat garbage, he like his paws to be clean and walk with 2 feet, and he loves to cook. After several ruckus happened, he got seperated from his family. And after talking with his imaginary late chef idol Gusteau, he finally decided to went up and looked around the city. He finally realized that he is indeed in Paris, and found Gusteau’s restaurant.
At first he just want to take a look from outside, but then he saw a new garbage boy named Alfredo Linguini, who is actually Gusteau’s son, messed up a soup. Remy couldn’t helped but made up something to fixed the soup but he was spotted by Linguini. Apparently the soup was liked by the guests, so Linguini must made another one under supervision by master chef Skinner. Desperated, Linguini made a deal with Remy. Linguini will act as Remy’s body so Remy could cook in the kitchen. From here, the story goes on with troubles that will test Linguini and Remy’s friendship.
Overall, I really liked Pixar’s animation. It’s beautiful as always. The character design is great, I really like Remy’s blue fur who differ him from other ‘ordinary’ rat. The story is, well… quite predictable, but it’s enjoyable. You can laugh a lot ^_^ but I don’t find any interesting songs during the movie. Mm… maybe I didn’t pay much attention.
Btw, talking about French cuisine, for my personal taste, I never like French cuisine. No ofence French people. It’s just because, for me, French cuisine is small in portion and too beautiful to be eaten. Not to say, the tools also too many, and for a full course you need at least 2 hours. For me, I prefer food that could make my stomach full and fast. So that would mean a plate of rice with it’s compliments such as meat, chicken, vegetables (eventhough I don’t like veggie >_<), etc. Hahahha… different in culture I guess. But I must say, I do love French passtries and bakery. Yes, I’m a bread lover ^_^. Okay, that’s enough talking about food XD You should watch this movie if you haven’t.
The story is about a rat named Remy who has ‘sniffing’ talent. He could distinguish each ingridients used in a food, he doesn’t like to eat garbage, he like his paws to be clean and walk with 2 feet, and he loves to cook. After several ruckus happened, he got seperated from his family. And after talking with his imaginary late chef idol Gusteau, he finally decided to went up and looked around the city. He finally realized that he is indeed in Paris, and found Gusteau’s restaurant.
At first he just want to take a look from outside, but then he saw a new garbage boy named Alfredo Linguini, who is actually Gusteau’s son, messed up a soup. Remy couldn’t helped but made up something to fixed the soup but he was spotted by Linguini. Apparently the soup was liked by the guests, so Linguini must made another one under supervision by master chef Skinner. Desperated, Linguini made a deal with Remy. Linguini will act as Remy’s body so Remy could cook in the kitchen. From here, the story goes on with troubles that will test Linguini and Remy’s friendship.
Overall, I really liked Pixar’s animation. It’s beautiful as always. The character design is great, I really like Remy’s blue fur who differ him from other ‘ordinary’ rat. The story is, well… quite predictable, but it’s enjoyable. You can laugh a lot ^_^ but I don’t find any interesting songs during the movie. Mm… maybe I didn’t pay much attention.
Btw, talking about French cuisine, for my personal taste, I never like French cuisine. No ofence French people. It’s just because, for me, French cuisine is small in portion and too beautiful to be eaten. Not to say, the tools also too many, and for a full course you need at least 2 hours. For me, I prefer food that could make my stomach full and fast. So that would mean a plate of rice with it’s compliments such as meat, chicken, vegetables (eventhough I don’t like veggie >_<), etc. Hahahha… different in culture I guess. But I must say, I do love French passtries and bakery. Yes, I’m a bread lover ^_^. Okay, that’s enough talking about food XD You should watch this movie if you haven’t.
Label: movies
8 Komentar:
Pada 23 Agustus, 2007 21:11 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
Reading about food make me hungry... I agree with you about "satisfying food", it must be taste good, in sufficient porsion, and cheap. Good looking is a must, but not too nice looking. Talking about food, I have a magazine which write about "jajanan" in Bandung. It's embarassing if we, as Bandung citizens, never eat even never know about that. So, I'll find and eat it someday; juices (especially durian juice) at "kantin sakinah" on Jl. Tubagus Ismail, "aneka tahu" at Rumah Mode, "cireng cipaganti", "cireng dago", "bakso gelinjang" on Jl. Sulanjana. There are still some more places in the magazine. When I was in highscool, I like to make brownies and cookies. But now I prefer to buy any food that I want, more practical hehehe (nb: kapan kapan kita wisata kuliner bareng yuks!)
Pada 24 Agustus, 2007 16:43 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
Halloooo Tare-chan =P
Just watched tis movie as well (but, in DVD) hoho =P
I like the movie, let's go to Paris someday for holiday hehe =P
Pada 06 September, 2007 21:56 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
salut madamoiselle tare chan!!
comment allez vous? bien non?? je vais bien ici..
hope u can understand what im trying to say..hehehhehe...u should know though!hehehehe...
i like the movie!!!hhahaha...remy is very cute..especially when he almost thrown away by linguini to the river...and his pity cute!! c'est gentil!!
uuu...i like french cuisine..there is an art on it!! art on the food preparation and the food service...hahahaha...(said like that to support my school and what i studied..hahaha) is very very complicated and tiring...
but it's true that the portion is not of the reason is becoz the ingredients used are, if they sell it in big portion..rugi lah..hahahahah...
but remember what i have made for u all?? the chicken cordon bleu?? was it small??!!!hahahahhaha...let me do other menus next time..hehehe...(say only..^^)
let's go to paris!!! but can't afford to eat in that very fine dining resto...just eat baquet everyday...yay!! hahahahahha....
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