a piece of Tare-chan's life

05 November 2008

City Tours

Being a citizen who lived in a big city, I rarely visit any of tourist attraction. So, when my cousin asked me to acompany him in visiting those tourist attraction, I was very glad to do it.

The first tourist attraction we visited was Tangkuban Perahu mountain. This is a very famous tourist attraction that attract many tourists, but I never steped on it before. Embarrasing isn’t it?? XD

So we drove all the way there, and entered the wrong entrance (the alternative entrance) by accident. But we didn’t regret it, since we was able to see a beautiful pine forest. Just that that I realized that the wheather was fine and the air was so fresh!! Ah… So why people really want to demolished all the forest available in my country ;_; They really didn’t appreciate things that can’t be bought with money.

This is the beautiful forest:

And my car:

Then we finally arrived at the main crater, Kawah Ratu. Beautiful scenery!! But I forgot to use sunblock that my skin got burned >_<

Kawah Ratu, beautiful isn't it?

After visiting the main crater, we continued our journey to the other famous crater, Kawah Domas. It is said that we could boil eggs in this crater. But the crater could be achieved only by foot. So we walked about 2-3km throug a beautiful forest. It was just a small forest though, but the air was different. We couldn’t find such air in cities of course. Nice… And finally, we arived at the crater. And it’s true!! We can boil eggs in the crater. Amazing scenery indeed.

the forest we have to walk:

And Kawah Domas:

After seeing the view for a while, we went home. Not to forget to have our Sundanese late-lunch. Then at night, we visited one of the famous café in Dago highland. The wheater was very bright, and not to say it was fullmoon. We could saw the beautiful city-lamp scenery from above clearly. Ah… I was very contended that day. I am indeed living in a beautifull city. ^_^ I’m so lucky!!

The night citi view:

The cafe's athmosphere:

Then, a few days later, I visited Jakarta for I don’t know how many times already. But that time, it was the first time I went to visited old Jakarta/Batavia. Usualy I only visit the gorgeous mall in Jakarta.

So, we use the TransJakarta Bus (or also nicknamed Bus-way) to the place. To be honest I never expect the old buildings/ museums could be that attractive. Amazing!! It has different architecture style from Bandung’s old buildings. It has more ‘curles’ and ‘extras’. Eventhough it was build by the exactly same Holland people more than 300 years ago.

The Holland culture still could be ‘grasp’ just by seeing the buildings and by walking around the court. The building was made so that the hot air woulnd’t be that hot inside. Eventhough we visited the buildings in the middle of the day, we still could feel the creepiness. It was said that many Indonesians were killed in the court and in the prison under the big builidng. =S

The Govenors Kantoor:

We also visited the old style café there. Café Batavia was the name. But to our surprised, the price was sooooooo expensive!! Ah, well… at least we could enjoy the old environment around us. XD

This is the cafe:


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