More and more….
Hohohoho…. Look at this, I managed to put a clock and mood emoticon ^_^ oohh….. I really feel creative today. ^_^ It seems that little by little I could read the HTML code thingy now, though of course I won’t master it. I mean, come on……. I never had a decent computer learning since last I have it in high school, how am I supposed to know such a thing?? XD ah well…… there’s still several things I want to try in this 2 weeks, before I can’t access the internet for around 2 months. >_< yes… at 17th September I’ll start my PBL thing in countryside. So yeah….. I must say goodbye for my internet for a while T_T Ah, whatever, I still have some time here ^_^ I must used it and enjoy it while I can.
Label: random thoughts
5 Komentar:
Pada 06 September, 2007 21:32 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
hi hi...
me again..i think i would be your loyal customer..hahahahaha...
i can see your current mood...but still!!!! i can't see the watch...i believe there is sumthing wrong with my lophly always like that...hmm...means that i can't see anything in that format..i dunno why...
gettting creative huh?? so gud! since u have time...huks... TT so sad..u wont be at home when im home...huks!! so bad...that is bad..
BTW, can't i see others comment??
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