Pop Garden
Today, when I went to rent anime VCDs, I decided to take a pic of Pop Gardens in Bandung. I know, people may frown at me when I take those pics, since it's in the middle of the roads, but I guess they didn't care. XD I have to wait for several minutes in some gardens though, so I could take a pic without cars or motorcycles blocking my pics.
This Pop Gardens started to grow since.... I'm not quite sure, perhaps weeks or months ago, but the reason I called them 'Pop Garden' is because they suddenly 'Pop out of nowhere, like Daisies!!' (quoted from Mushu in Mulan). Seriously, one day, I passed the exact same road I usually pass everyday, and there.... suddenly POP.... there's a garden in the middle of the crossroad.
Well... as we already know, Bandung nowadays, have quite many one way roads, that's why there's also many crossroads around, and all this time, in the middle of the crossroads there's just Road marks (you know, the white stripes that form a rectangular or triangle shape). So I think this Pop Garden is a nice idea. It makes my city looks more beautiful, and a bit more apropriate with it's title 'City of Flowers'. It's too bad that the previous gardens that already been there for years don't have a proper management. Another thing that disapointed me is that these Pop Gardens are only built in North area of Bandung, while the South area still hot and deserted.
Anyway, this is several example of this Pop Garden:

This is the Pop Garden near Taman Lalu Lintas. The road isn't that crowded, so I could easily took this pic ^_^ Actually there're 2 Pop Garden here, but, the one in the other corner of Taman Lalu Lintas don't have a perfect place to stop. I was riding a motorcycle btw, thus I have to stop in a proper place don't I??

This is the Pop Garden near The Bank Indonesia building. I guess this is the first Pop Garden they made.

This is the Pop Garden near Jl. Aceh which lead to BMC restaurant. The road is quite busy, so I have to take several pics here. Lucky at several second, there's no vehicle blocking my view.

Now this Pop Garden is just recently built. I spotted them when they were making this. This one is placed in front of Hotel Cemerlang in Jalan Kebon Kawung. I would say, the shape is quite odd... but it's beautiful nevertheless.
I just hope they give a proper maintenance for these gardens, as well as the previously planted garden. And if it's possible, also plant gardens in South area of Bandung.
This Pop Gardens started to grow since.... I'm not quite sure, perhaps weeks or months ago, but the reason I called them 'Pop Garden' is because they suddenly 'Pop out of nowhere, like Daisies!!' (quoted from Mushu in Mulan). Seriously, one day, I passed the exact same road I usually pass everyday, and there.... suddenly POP.... there's a garden in the middle of the crossroad.
Well... as we already know, Bandung nowadays, have quite many one way roads, that's why there's also many crossroads around, and all this time, in the middle of the crossroads there's just Road marks (you know, the white stripes that form a rectangular or triangle shape). So I think this Pop Garden is a nice idea. It makes my city looks more beautiful, and a bit more apropriate with it's title 'City of Flowers'. It's too bad that the previous gardens that already been there for years don't have a proper management. Another thing that disapointed me is that these Pop Gardens are only built in North area of Bandung, while the South area still hot and deserted.
Anyway, this is several example of this Pop Garden:

This is the Pop Garden near Taman Lalu Lintas. The road isn't that crowded, so I could easily took this pic ^_^ Actually there're 2 Pop Garden here, but, the one in the other corner of Taman Lalu Lintas don't have a perfect place to stop. I was riding a motorcycle btw, thus I have to stop in a proper place don't I??

This is the Pop Garden near The Bank Indonesia building. I guess this is the first Pop Garden they made.

This is the Pop Garden near Jl. Aceh which lead to BMC restaurant. The road is quite busy, so I have to take several pics here. Lucky at several second, there's no vehicle blocking my view.

Now this Pop Garden is just recently built. I spotted them when they were making this. This one is placed in front of Hotel Cemerlang in Jalan Kebon Kawung. I would say, the shape is quite odd... but it's beautiful nevertheless.
I just hope they give a proper maintenance for these gardens, as well as the previously planted garden. And if it's possible, also plant gardens in South area of Bandung.
Label: random thoughts
5 Komentar:
Pada 06 September, 2007 21:27 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
hi hi...
i was confused..Pop Garden?? is it a new shopping mall? or new cafe?? hahahahhaa....
however, it is nice to have the Pop Garden there, kind of gud idea...
but since it is new, so alot of flower there...i hope, that nobody will plug and destroy it..
here, u can find alot of that things with various of flowers and many people pass by that way every day, and they don't disturb the flower...it is so nice..and i even took pict there, dun care what people say..hahahaha...i will show it to u next time when we meet..
Pada 08 September, 2007 22:59 ,
Anonim mengatakan...
Wew, niat banget lu motretin kebon hehehe. G pernah liat waktu blm jadinya, baru batu pembatesnya doank. Eh besoknya dah ada tanemannya, berarti pop-nya dalam 2-3 hari doank. Btw di bandung selatan ada taman gede lho, tegalega. G kadang ke sana jalan2 sore, lumayan bagus n bersih lho, lebih sejuk dibanding lapangan pajajaran. Masuknya cuma bayar 500 perak. Mayan banyak yang olah raga, tp banyak juga yang pacaran (bikin sirik aja) >.< kalo pagi banyak yang olah raga, banyak yang jualan juga. Tapi jangan ke sana hari minggu pagi, amit-amit deh...
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