Single Happy!!
Acording to the system which devides human personality into 4 types (sanguinis, coleris, phlegmatis, and melancolis), I am a mixed between sanguinis-phlegmatis-melancolis. And it’s said that melancolic people sometimes compare their own life with a certain song that (they feel) describe their current situation. Since I’m also a melancolic person, I sometimes did compare my life experiences with a certain song. ^_^ Lately, my melancolic side kicked in when I heard the song sung by Oppie Andaresta, titled ‘Single Happy’. The Indonesian version could be found here. Well... if you translated it, it would sound a little bit like this:
They said I’m such a picky and are feeling lonely
Been to hard to myself
Thousands of suggestions being given
To make my life better
I’m fine
I enjoy my life
It’s perfect
I’m single and very happy
Chasing various dreams
Free to do what I want
Making a lot of friends
I’m single and very happy
They said, considering my age
It’s time to find my sould mate
But I’m sure, he’ll come
At the most correct time
I’m single and very happy
Time passed by
Can’t be stopped
I want what best
So.... This song perfectly describe my current situation. I must admit, most of people here, are already married and have children. I’m not young anymore, I know that. But at the same time, I still have my career to chase. After all, I’m 2 years too late in building my career. It’s not an easy job. But I believe, someday I’ll have a good career.
And it’s not that I don’t want to have any boyfriend, it’s just that I haven’t found a correct man. Besides, I think I know why I haven’t found him. Because I’m not ready to ‘sacrifice’ my time just yet. I’m still very egoistic. ^_^; So, I found ‘the question’ my mom sometimes asked, quite disturbing XD But on the other hand, I agree with her advices in planning my career, so it’s fair enough XD
Okay, enough with my rambling.
They said I’m such a picky and are feeling lonely
Been to hard to myself
Thousands of suggestions being given
To make my life better
I’m fine
I enjoy my life
It’s perfect
I’m single and very happy
Chasing various dreams
Free to do what I want
Making a lot of friends
I’m single and very happy
They said, considering my age
It’s time to find my sould mate
But I’m sure, he’ll come
At the most correct time
I’m single and very happy
Time passed by
Can’t be stopped
I want what best
So.... This song perfectly describe my current situation. I must admit, most of people here, are already married and have children. I’m not young anymore, I know that. But at the same time, I still have my career to chase. After all, I’m 2 years too late in building my career. It’s not an easy job. But I believe, someday I’ll have a good career.
And it’s not that I don’t want to have any boyfriend, it’s just that I haven’t found a correct man. Besides, I think I know why I haven’t found him. Because I’m not ready to ‘sacrifice’ my time just yet. I’m still very egoistic. ^_^; So, I found ‘the question’ my mom sometimes asked, quite disturbing XD But on the other hand, I agree with her advices in planning my career, so it’s fair enough XD
Okay, enough with my rambling.
Label: random thoughts
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